Team Changes!

2 min readNov 6, 2020

Hey All.

Some of you may have noticed Daniel has been a little quieter in telegram than usual so we wanted to make a formal announcement to keep you all in the loop!

Daniel has decided to step back from DistX and continue operating in an advisory position. Obviously, he’ll always be a co-founder but his day to day activities have changed to being an advisor in everything DistX.

Daniel joined me at the start to help design and release our vision for DistX, he’s achieved that and now that we’ve launched with sales coming in it’s a great time for him to step back and focus on his Carbon project.

Nothing will really change in our day to day activities, we have a great team bringing in sales and we’ve hired a UI designer full time to cover the gap.

I personally can not thank Daniel enough, it’s been a dream of mine to bring something like DistX to the community and he really helped me close out that vision and bring it to life. His designing skills are invaluable and something I will miss having around. His expertise helped us propel to where we are now, and I’m glad he’ll be around as an advisor for me to bounce ideas off.

I really wish him and Rob the best with Carbon, I know they’ll do well and have the skills to bring it to life.

Message from Daniel;
“Designing DistX and seeing it come to life and have a successful launch has been very exciting for me, and I’ve enjoyed working alongside Adrian to get the best possible results. Given that my input in the project was largely focused on the early stages (pre-launch) I am very confident Adrian and the new look DistX team can continue developing the platform and realising its potential. I’ll always be around as advisor and want to see DistX succeed. As mentioned a few times, the focus of DistX willl be very heavy on development going forward, so it makes sense for Adrian to take full control. This is a positive move for the future of the project.”

Hopefully, you guys all understand his decision, and let’s look forward to this Carbon sale in a few days!






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