DistX Bug Bountry Program

2 min readNov 10, 2020

Up to $20,000 USDT for grabs

Hey all!

We’re opening up a bug bounty program to help us test both the frontend and backend of our application and keep on top of anything that might arise.

If you want to earn some USDT for your efforts in testing applications read below for the full details.

Project Scope and Timeframe

The bug bounty will remain open all the way until the complete $20,000 has been collected or until December 20th. This gives us plenty of time to get all the reports in and dealt with before the release of our DistDex platform at which time more bug bounties will be announced!

In terms of scope, we are looking for any bug’s relating to our smart contract software, backend or frontend software. This is the entirety of our platform.

It can be something inconsequential such as a design bug or something as consequential as a contract error. Everything is in scope, and everything will be paid according to its severity.

We will be using OWASP’s severity rating system to determine severity.

Note: Up to $10 USDT
Low: Up to $100 USDT
Medium: Up to $2000 USDT
High: Up to $5,000 USDT
Critical: Up to $10,000 USDT

If we need to activate another program, we will :)


For all submissions, please email bug@distx.io

We will be setting up a bug bounty portal with automated payouts soon, but for the initial rush, we will be handling them manually.

The more effort you put into your submission, the easier it will be for us to replicate and then payout that amount. All submissions require at least replication steps.

We will be awarding DISTX bonuses to any individuals who include resolution steps for the bugs also.

You can submit anonymously if you would like.

Further Reading

IF you need more rules, all the rules on https://bounty.ethereum.org apply.

Cheers and happy hunting!




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